Wednesday, March 26 2025
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President, PM, FM reiterate Pakistan's unflinching support to Kashmir cause

ISLAMABAD: President Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asi in their separate messages on Kashmir Black Day being observed, today, have reiterated Pakistan's unflinching and steadfast moral, diplomatic and political support for just cause of the Kashmiri people.
President Mamnoon Hussain in his message urged India to implement the UN resolutions on the Kashmir dispute as peace and prosperity of the entire region is linked with the settlement of the longstanding dispute.
The President said that last 70 years saw Indian occupation forces mercilessly killing and terrorizing the innocent people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK) in complete disregard of fundamental principles of human rights, liberty and justice. Four generations of Kashmiris have suffered immensely.
He said the Indian occupation forces use live ammunition and pellet guns against civilians with impunity. Deliberate targeting of eyes, blinding many, has no parallel in the history of the civilized world. Anarchy is compounded by arbitrary arrests and detention of political leaders, human rights defenders, journalists and protesters without any trial. Leaders of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) continue to remain under detention, either in their houses or in police stations. Rape is being used to humiliate and terrorize the local population.
The president said prolonged curfews exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, severely impacting livelihood and add to the miseries of the Kashmiri people. The valiant and resilient people of IoK, have stood up to fight back state-sponsored atrocities. The people of Pakistan and the freedom-loving people of the entire world salute them for their courage.
He said the UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir provide a peaceful and democratic solution to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. We urge India to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions. Peace and prosperity of this entire region is also linked with the resolution of this long standing dispute.
"I join the international community to express our complete solidarity with our Kashmiri brethren who continue to suffer today at the hands of a brutal occupation. We will continue to extend to them our unflinching moral, political and diplomatic support in their just struggle for the right to self-determination. Our support will continue till the realization of the cherished dream for freedom of millions of Kashmiris from draconian Indian occupation," the President said.
Prime Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, in his message said that India must honour commitments of its founding-fathers and ensure implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir.
He said that the worst kind of state terrorism was being perpetrated against the defenseless Kashmiris and entire Indian state machinery was involved in the crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir. He called for an independent, transparent and fair investigation into these human rights violations under the United Nation.
The Prime Minister said that the worst form of state terrorism is being perpetrated against the defenseless people of occupied Kashmir to silence and crush their legitimate struggle, in complete disregard of international human rights and humanitarian laws. The entire Indian state machinery is involved in these crimes against humanity. There is a need for an independent, transparent and fair investigation into these human rights violations under the UN. Pakistan has supported the proposal of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for sending a Fact Finding Mission to Jammu and Kashmir. We reiterate our call and hope that the international community will pay heed to the miseries and sufferings of the Kashmiri people.
He said from July last year until the end of September 2017, Indian atrocities have resulted in the killings of over 460 innocent Kashmiris, injuring over 20,000 and deliberately blinding hundreds. Over 200 people have lost eyesight, while vision of thousands has been impaired. Over 7,000 Kashmiris have been arrested with their current status unknown, while scores of women have been raped and molested. These facts seek urgent attention of the international community. The denial of the right to self-determination for the last seven decades raises questions about the conscience of the international community and the United Nations.
India must honour commitments of its founding fathers and ensure implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir for resolution of this long standing dispute.
"We pay homage to the sacrifices of our brethren in IoK and reiterate our unflinching and steadfast moral, diplomatic and political support for the just cause of the people of Jammu & Kashmir. This support will continue till the realization of the lawful right to self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir," PM Abbasi said.
In a separate message, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said that over the last 70 years, Kashmiris in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) have been killed and maimed, their women molested and dishonored, their children orphaned and left without family, all because India has tried in vain to force the local population to accept a false rule that the Kashmiris simply refuse to accept, a rule that is submerged in cruelty, inhumanity and suppression.
The indifference of the international community to the plight of the Kashmiri people does little to augment the confidence of the people of Pakistan in the basic humanity of mankind as well as the impartiality of institutions like the United Nations, he said.
"The day we accept that there is no such thing as international law, moral outrage or sanction for crimes against humanity would be a sad day indeed. The day we accept the precedent that a nation can openly oppress a people without universal condemnation for doing so, we set a dangerous precedent that is not in the interest of any of us," the Foreign Minister remarked.
"I urge the international community as well as the United Nations to shake off the stupor and to deliver on its promises to the Kashmiri people through the implementation of the numerous resolutions acknowledging their right of self-determination," Khawaja Asif said.
It is to mention here that Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and world over are observing Black Day, Friday, to mark the illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India. On 27th October in 1947, Indian troops had invaded Jammu and Kashmir and occupied it in total violation of the Partition Plan of the Subcontinent and against the Kashmiris' aspirations. - NNI

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